time is still ticking, and just as a reminder to us all (but especially me!):
that having been said i've got half the criteria met as of this moment. all i need is one more signature (hopefully not too hard to acquire), and a home. now the place to live has thus far proven with research to be the hardest to get.
the only free of cost places are wild and natural areas which are under the protection of the department of conservation. meaning my endangered species directives kick in when i move there. as i don't have a natural habitat here in new zealand i can't move into any of these...
meaning i need to move in somewhere that costs money. i don't have any right now. however that's where i'm hoping my new job at the museum will help me. with a job i'll be getting money, and with money i'll be able to get a place!
so with that in mind i went into work for the first time yesterday. why i didn't post about that day you might ask. it was probably a more interesting day then my second... you'd be right people of the web wide world.
only i'd have to kill you if i told you the details of my training. as a security guard of the otago museum i have been entrusted with the safety and well being of all the priceless artifacts and specimens contained within it's premises. so if i told you all about my training i'd be exposing crucial details about the museum's defenses and weak spots... which i can't allow...
that and as i haven't worked since the eco centre i was really tired after the shift, and too lazy to write last night...

alright so the otago museum. it's about the same size as the royal tyrrell, but different dimensions (not as in the sci-fi sense of the word either). rather then being spread out all over the place it is tall. three floors tall to be precise.
standing in the lobby i don't yet feel this is my museum like the tyrrell did, but hopefully it'll grow into it...
still looking into the vast inners of the otago museum i appreciate the scope of my new task here. from this vantage point i can see ALL the galleries at once. there's no question how big this place is (tourist at the royal tyrrell always got confused as to where to go, and how big the place was due to haphazard layout in places).
it also makes my job easier as i can watch and guard the galleries ALL from the same area.
this has caused only one issue. i haven't seen a lot of the museum yet because in order to watch everywhere i can't leave the lobby...
though i have managed to see a little bit of what's inside. all of it is on the second floor. being the middle i can risk venturing a tiny bit into its galleries...

my first discovery in the entrance to the discovery corner was a globe of earth. not a bad first discovery... as i was about to move on something hit my tiny brain though...
a GLOBE! the first thing they had on display... wow is there some sort of code that museums have that their first display HAS to be a globe???
check this out... i might be onto something here!

this was the first thing that you'd see
when you entered the tyrrell's lobby.
craig used to play with me here when i was 2 years old...
(those were the days)
the eco-centre had one
as well greeting their

the globe connection... i'll have to look into this discovery later... very curious though!

elsewhere there's some really cool stuff on this floor all about the maori. they were among the first people to move to new zealand. they made a living off the ocean, and we've got some sweet examples of the tools they used to make this living...

they also have a FOSSILIZED skeleton of a moa. though it kinda looks like a dinosaur it is actually a giant extinct bird (which okay still technically makes it an advanced dinosaur, but not an old skooler like me... more a young wanna be!). completing my quick inspection of the maori gallery was a model of a maori house. a thought entered my mind seeing this. maybe i could strike out a deal like i had at the tyrrell where i could live in the otago museum...
my supervisor this morning said that was out of the quest... unlike the tyrrell where i served as a display while living there, the otago had no such purpose for me... after all they don't have dinosaurs down here... i guess a long term goal could be to convince them that maybe they need one on display...
point is this is a pretty sweet place to work!
bound to be plenty more for me to discover... however i should stop using my puter here, and get back to watching the lobby!
also need to come up with a plan to solve my outstanding government criteria...
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