as though to try and tell me that i was doomed to yet another failure mother nature ONCE again unleashed as much precipitation as she could. my walk through the botanic gardens was once again very unpleasant. though of no fault of the garden's i assure you!
i now appreciate the generously placed gazebos all the more after today. just like my last trip to the museum these structures sheltered me for wetness bombardment... unlike last time though i really wasn't going to give up... even if it meant waiting out the storm for hours...
which is what it took! the rain would die down just long enough for me to run to the next gazebo... that is till i ran out of park and gazebos... at this point i had NO choice, but to either waste time waiting (and possibly not make it too the museum, and insure my deportation) OR get soaked right before a job interview...i made the only choice available to me at this point. after a horrifically wet walk i finally made it too the otago museum. however due to my trying to wait out the rain i only had 20 minutes... which was cause for a slight crisis!
i had hoped to at least preview the place before applying. that way i could show some interest, and knowledge of the place. instead i had to deal with my appearance. cause i was one soakedasaurus at this point let me tell you!fortunately 10 minutes under a hand dryer in the bathroom fixed that! such utility in these devices...
the only problem with this stop, i had NO time to spare. the museum closed very shortly...
oh man it was stressful people of the web wide world... all my hopes and dreams were pinned on this one moment...
walking up to the counter i introduced myself as confidently as i could... considering my whole new future in a dinosaur-less land rested in the balance...
vanessa the staffer was surprised to see me (again they just don't have dinosaurs down here on the south island), but extremely intrigued. she does work at a museum after all.
explaining to her that i was here seeking the security job i presented my resume...
the instant she took it from me i could feel my heart rate pick up... that or some horrible parasitic eggs were in my lunch and they were hatching in my chest...
she asked me some slightly detailed questions about my resume. in particular about my work at the royal tyrrell... i answered them as best i could. vanessa gave away little as she proceeded through her checking of my credentials.
after what seemed like 5 minutes (which coincidentally is how long it took!) she said she was satisfied with the "interview"...
"you start tomorrow at 4pm" she said. oh man i couldn't believe it... after all i'd been through i failed again. what was i going to d... WAIT A SECOND?!?!?!?!?
"uh sorry did you just say i start tomorrow?" i asked.
"yeah. congratulations" she replied.
i can't believe it either people of the innerweb!!!
after all these months of failure, and heart break did i just get a big break?
with a job i might just make my criteria. for one i don't need a job now. second now i'll be earning money and so i can rent a place to live...
i might just beat this countdown thing afterall!!!
Hey Congrats, Traumador!!!! I know you could do it! Well done. And I like the new format - very accessible. Good on ya, man!
I know this happened months ago, but yay!
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