Location: Botanic Garden
Objective: Signature
hey people of the innerweb!
i'm in high spirits today!
though my attempts at meeting most of the government's criteria have been failures one has thus far been going well... the 3 signatures i need from people endorsing me as a good addition to new zealand.
now though i haven't actually got any autographs yet, i'm lined up to get one this weekend. rather then wait till then i've decided to be pro-active. as of such i'm heading out to get at least one more!
so yeah high hopes that's me...

well mother nature saw it differently sadly... i only made it halfway through the garden before the rain doubled in intensity... forcing me to take shelter under a nearby gazebo...
i was determined not to surrender to the mere weather, and vowed not to retreat, and simply wait out the storm...
well after an hour of that the storm only got worse, and showed no signs of letting up. so reluctantly i set back to salmond hall. then it occurred to me (why hadn't it before?!?). the hall is full of a whole bunch of people!
maybe a few of them could sign me an autograph!
getting back to the hall i searched for the first person i could find, and that just so happened to be a guy who lived down the hall from craig and i. perfect. who better to ask then a friendly neighbor...
now craig had always told me to avoid this guy who lived in room 03 of salmond. i wasn't sure why. i just knew craig and him didn't get along... something about him being a "germ-man"?
well i don't catch human diseases fortunately, and just cause craig and this guy didn't get along i didn't see why i couldn't...
well i should have learned by now. never trust my small brain on these sorts of things...
walking up to him i only had time to say "hi"
next thing i knew out of no where the germ-man pushed me...
"don't come near me lizard!"
what? i thought stumbling into the wall. before i could ask him what his deal was or bite his ankle off the germ-man slammed his door...
i guess i see why craig said to avoid this guy, but what did i do to annoy him so bad?
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