
a note worthy day (pun intended!)

today i had quite the unexpected (and very AWESOME!) surprise when i opened up my blogging account!
scrolling past the "blogs of note" section, i couldn't help but notice my blog in the list... which funny enough, due to my small brain, made me think blogger had changed the dashboard layout or something, and the blogs of note were now somewhere else on the page...

so to the many many many new visitors i've been getting today (thanks for stopping by!) welcome to my tiny saurian outpost on the web wide world! hope you pop by more in the future.

back when i started this blog, i always daydreamed what it would be like to make that list. of course i never once in 65-67 million years would have thought it would actually happen!?! so thanks to blogger for including me on this list... and thank you to everyone who have been stopping by!


Antionette Tate said...


Jenny said...

Hi. Congratulations to you. I am a beginner here in writing blogs, and I am really enjoying. I hope one day I'll be like you. Write on! God bless....

J said...

Your blog is awesome!

blessingsgoddess said...

Excellent blog !

The villager: said...

Well done.

A Good Moroccan said...

I love dinosaurs !

Антонио said...

It's may be intersting!
Visit my blog http://freemusicvkontakte.blogspot.com/

Thank you!

Matt 'Cliff' Clifford said...

Im one of those new people! Your blog is excellent.

NanU said...

Hey! congrats on B of N, and I'm very happy to have found your blog.
Some small plastic cousins would also like to say Hi:

Anonymous said...

Heheheh...I'm stopping by too
nice blog anyway
I love dinosaurs

ms.shandy said...

This has to be one of the cutest ideas ever. Congratulations!

days of dee tresna said...

hi mr. tyrannosour
congratulations for blog of note
no wonder, your blog's so cute
if not because of blog of note, i won't have chance to know you

-simple hi from indonesia-

Daniel Ba said...

this is nice - thank you!

nomore said...

Congratulations....enough to be the blog of note...

Michael Hoskin said...

As you stampede through the Tokyo of Blogger, remember us little bloggers before you step on us.

domminic said...

Not so prehistoric after all eh?
Congrats for the Blog of Note award

Cheers from The Daily Blog

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your historic achievement! Not bad for such a tiny dino with that impossibly tiny brain!

Anonymous said...

Iam happy for you

Jewel said...

Hey...congrats! Great blog, too. I liked your comment about never guessing in 65-67 million years. LOL!

Duffmano said...

I love the blog, I'm glad I found it through Blogs of note.

Unknown said...

I'm one of those people!
Regards from Brasil!

Albertonykus said...

Wow! Congrats, Traum! It looks like there've been many very welcome surprises for you as of late, in spite of all the danger you're in!

Artems said...

Ou its beautifull blog! Really. Plz http://freemusicvk.blogspot.com/ .. its my first blog please look at it.

davidmaas said...

I have to applaud you courage in combining entertainment, freakiness and solid science. I'm subcribed.

soloniy said...

Hi to all!Be registered on http://vk.com/reg4623165 Excellent site for dialogue and acquaintances!

Anonymous said...

congrats! im a beginner blogging and havent had much success.Come check out my blogs and my girlfriends at http://kristencee.blogspot.com if u like it become a follower thanks.Digit

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my friend! You've earned it!

Veronica said...

Congratulations! Love the blog! Am a teacher in Palmerston North and am now trying to figure out a way to include your blog in my classroom planning.

Way to go.

Glendon Mellow said...

Well-deserved! Congratulations, Traumador!

ThatGirl said...

I am just starting my blog & I hope to have some of the success that you are having :) Congrats!!

Albertonykus said...

Over thirty comments! I'll bet you've never had so many before, Traum! And look at your followers! They've nearly TRIPLED in the time frame of a day or two!

Just proves that pleasant surprises do exist, eh? (I.e. they don't always have to be like the ones the Pack spring on you.)

Anonymous said...

This blog is interesting , the tittle ''The Tryannosaur Chronicles'' is so Hollywood-ish, :)

Anonymous said...

hI the tyrannosaur chronicles sounds intereting. keep up the good work

Evelyn Applegate said...

Congratulations on making the list!

Evelyn Applegate said...

Congratulations on making the list!

Stoobie said...

Hey mate, and congrats on the Blog Of Note.
Great blog, really deserving, and Im glad it made it to blogs of note, oterwise, I might not have read your blog.


Nalataia Tubercle said...

Hello Traumador!!¡¡ Uoooooo!!¡¡ Be happy, little creature...you're not alone in this world!!¡¡ I'm a dinosaur too (well, not as great as you...a brontosaurus, but a good dino, yeah ^^) I'm very happy I've found you jeje

I'm from Spain and I found your blog by chance. Congratulations for being one of the days' blog...well on of the yesterdays' blog XD...jajajaja.

Hum, I think that's all...Nice to meet you...and see you soon Traumador...I love your tinny size...kisses!!¡¡ ~~chuuuuuuuu~~

Lun said...

simply awesome ?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now the comments have reached 40!!! HOLY CRETACEOUS!!! Again, Congratulations!! ;)

Cardboard Paper said...

Your blog's very deserving of being featured. I'm glad it was or I'd never have found it. :-D Keep it up, T!

hurryupdavid said...

Awesome blog, very creative and funny! Your sense of humour is very witty. I loved the origins video, and Trauma's voice was GOLDEN! Very deserving of Blogs of Note indeed, have followed and am looking forward to Traumadors future adventures!! :D

Cheers, from Aus!

What A Lame Excuse said...

Haha! Thanks for the laughs, I enjoyed reading your blog! Congratulations!

I have nothing to declare but my genius said...

Hi well done on your blog of note and deservedly so. very witty stuff. Im sure many people will enjoy this.

natgeoteam said...

Congratulations your blog is awesome!!!

G.~ said...

Congratulations. The blog is great!

Albertonykus said...

Forty-seven comments! Holy Alvarezsauridae!

Albertonykus said...

And a hundred seventeen followers?? Fantastic!

SkateFiend said...

What you're doing is pretty cool, so no wonder your blog is doing well.
Keep up the good work!


Hippo A. Potamus said...

Congratulations, Mr. Traumador! I really hope you don't eat little hippos...) I like to write about my adventures with humans, too. And I must say, that's a snazzy shirt you're wearing in your blogger portrait!

SG said...

a surreal feeling.. was it?! :)
well.. many congratulations!

J U D I T said...

Wow, nice Blog!
If you’re interested in mode and clothes, you should see my Blog.


Sweetest Miracle said...

Congratulations! This blog is great. Glad I found it!



Truth Seeker said...

Great website.....I love it!

DJW J.Barnard said...

Congratulations, just like for someone to read mine!

traumador said...

thank you to everyone for the nice words, and taking the time to leave a comment!

hope to see you all around on the site more in the future...

Anita Bier said...

Great blog - congratulations on your blog of note-ness!

Dinorider d'Andoandor said...

Congrats C&T!!

You get what you deserve! Keep more of that cool work going on!


It's more than one year since I discovered your site and I'm glad to be still here