
magic museum...

T-Minus: 9 days...

Location: University Geology Museum
Objective: Job

alright i mean business here people of the inner web... how much more business can you get then a job?

the geology museum at the university is looking for a curator, and if there is one subject i can pretend to kind of know anything about it is rocks...

back at the tyrrell we had 6 curators, and they had the awesomest jobs in the whole museum. not only were they the bosses, but they got to work with all the dino girls up close and personal... oh yeah... uh i mean i only wish to get this job to "preserve, promote, and advance the scientific integrity of this institute" (how was that line. i learned it from brad back at the tyrrell for interpreter training!)

so all i had to do was get myself to the geo museum and apply. only thing was i didn't remember seeing a geo museum that alone a geology department while i explored the university a month ago? where could it be?

i really shouldn't have asked that question! inquiring around the university everyone i talked to told me it was located in the one and only place of dunedin that terrified me... the clocktower!

why would anyone put the best department of the museum in the most creepy and scary place possible?!?

science and magic don't even mix!

well i was going to have pluck up my courage, and face down my fear... though i was going to use my small brain to the max to avoid any run ins with wizards or dragons!

well right away, my coming this close to the tower complex paid off. this was indeed the home of the geology department, but there was no immediate sign of or for the museum on the outside side of the place...

i was going to have to enter the inner courtyard of hogwarts... oh man... magic is weird and scary. i don't want to get burnt by a dragon or meet a talking breakfast food again! so i was going to play this ubber safe, and sneak in without anyone or more importantly ANYTHING noticing me!

that was made a bit easier by a large growth of jungle along one of the walls... not only did it give me some cover to hide in should something appear, but it made me feel a little at home in this otherwise hostile environment...

finally i discovered the entrance to this fabled geology museum... well that and some lecture halls... now it was show time! i needed to impress these guys, and get this job!

entering the building i was greeted by some pretty sweet fossil displays! no dinosaurs sadly, but i already knew this from my trips to both the university of calgary library and the dunedin public library. they had a really impressive (and kinda formidable) dolphin skull...

kinda hard to imagine a dolphin this nasty though considering my pal i met at the vancouver aquarium...

okay now here is a dude that i know a lot more about. a mosasaur... these guys were the t-rexs of the cretaceous ocean (same time period i come from!)... they were komodo dragons (aka monitor lizards) whose feet had turned into flippers, and they cruised around eating anything and everything that moved around in the water.

okay look at that. i'm already off the races on this curator thing! with my pre-existing knowledge of palaeo from the tyrrell i was sure to be a shoe in!

hmmm i'm starting to notice a oceanish theme to the fossils here at the museum (well okay outside the museum, as these were all in cases just in the hallway...). here we had a slab full of giant shark teeth... oh man i know better then to mess with one of these guys... based on the sign i noticed this was the mosasaurs replacement millions of years into the future. apparently this fellow is related to the modern great white. even more so then megalodon (a ginormous shark from just 4 million years ago!!!)...

alright i'm going with this part of the museum is the sea themed area, and though it's displays aren't as nice as the tyrrell's bear paw sea exhibit, they've got some great bones. this guy is a giant prehistoric penguin.

i'm started to like this museum. it may have been more low key then the tyrrell, but it still had some nice art work and pictures to bring these poor dead guys back to life (well in a not moving, living, or 3D sense of the concept).

now that i had myself familiarized with the rough layout of their outer displays it was time to head into the actual museum, and not only check out the rest of their stuff, but also get the job!

heading through the door all confident and sure of myself i'd forgotten where this museum was located...

next thing i knew going through the door for the museum (which i could clearly see through the glass window on the door...) i found myself outside on top of a rather large stair case...

i point out that i was only half a floor up outside the museum, and more to the point i was INside!!!


i'd like to claim that i remained calm. in fact i shall. yes i stayed calm (ignore the picture here though... that would indicate i ran away in a cowardly fashion... cause you just heard my claim, and i'm sticking with it!)

darn found it people of the innerweb! that sounded like the perfect job for me too!

i just can't handle magic! this hogwartsish place just isn't a safe work environment. i'd rather face the uncertainty of deportation then that...

wait deportation... that is almost just a week away! AHHHHHHHHH... okay people of the web wide world i need to go here. time is running out... for real this time!!!


  1. Hey Traumador,

    What's been happening?

  2. oh man a LOT of stuff...

    i know i'm a full month behind on my posts, but as you'll see i need to cover all the events of march...

    as you'll see it all... well turns out...

    i'll be covering april as a single post cause it's surprisingly easy to review
