
My Life as a Garden...

okay i shouldn't even be thinking about writing up this post people of the innerweb. what with my deadline looming at the end of next week... but it was something i noticed on my way to a possible solution to the government's criteria...

so i was on my way to the dunedin aquarium (it's a story for my next post so stay tuned), but like most places i go in town i have to pass through the botanic gardens. it's the coolest thing about living at craig's actually. he lives RIGHT beside the garden, and man what a cool place.

i've been through here a gazillion times, but only really explored it once, but i had to cut that effort short when i got really lost in the forest. on my way to the aquarium i had to head a different route through the garden then usual. normally i just cut straight through the forest to get to town. however the aquarium is a totally different direction then downtown and the university.

i had to head through the more developed part of the gardens. man what a nice place!

not quite the forest, but hey not everything can be. unlike other none forest places though this one has a forest RIGHT beside it so who am i to complain? (the answer to that question is traumador in case you were wondering)

now as i was heading through this area, and my bus wasn't coming for a little while yet i figured i'd check out this part of the garden...

first up was the glass house... which i'd like to point out was a relief to see. or am i the only one who thinks calling these things green houses is stupid! their totally made of glass... nice to see that kiwi's are on the ball in structure title allocation (that was a fancy term i learned from listening to craig argue with the germ-man the other day...)

only thing was i couldn't check out the inside of the glasshouse... it wasn't open today!

though i'd naturally noticed that the weather was kinda blah i didn't think it would effect anything. turns out the blahness of the weather is due to winter coming on here in new zealand (news to me...), and as of such the gardens has changed to shortened hours. meaning i'd have to sick around past my bus to check this out.

i can't afford that kind of time waste just to check things out!

reluctantly i moved on...

next door to the glasshouse was a little visitor complex. it had not only a closed info booth, but a closed cafe too...

i was kinda saddened. was my luck from canada catching up with me here completely?

failuring was becoming far to common a thing here in new zealand lately. i was nearly down to a week, and i was only a fraction towards my requirements...

even the little things like the gardens were adding to my inability to get anything right...

the crazy castle stage was deserted as well. in fact the park itself compared to normal was empty.

man things were looking down. even the casual parts of new zealand were turning against. random people were avoiding me too.

what awaited me in the future. deportation. that was for sure. without the criteria met the government was certainly going to send me back to canada...

then what?

i couldn't go back to the tyrrell. my agent was off wandering the globe, and wouldn't be able to help me. i didn't even have any money left due too my adventures in BC (why did i try to build a whole new dinotown?)

with this as my destiny why should i even try to get the job at the aquarium? i was just not going to get it, like usual. i couldn't fight failure i started to fear...

life was looking grime in my tiny brain during this walk. that is till suddenly i came across the a great deal of commotion that snapped me out of my sulking...

it was a pond full of ducks, and when i say full i mean FULL!

as i sat gloomily starring off into depression space (get that pun?!? depression instead of deep... oh man i crack me up sometimes!) my little nephews and nieces many times removed (birds are the closely related descendants of we meat eating dinosaurs after all) all started to flock up to me.

at first i was enraged. of all the nerve! try and mouch food off at guy like me down on my luck...

then i realized they were just like me. everyone is just like me!

none of us have certainty in life, and we have to try and get bread crumbs anywhere we can... well okay not bread crumbs. unless your a duck of course... you get what i mean people of the web wide world...

fortunately for the ducks i happened to be covered in some crumbs from the mess i sleep in at craig's room (he still hasn't managed to clean up the mess i made a few weeks back)

my advanced little relative made me realize that life isn't about getting what you want. it's about going out there and taking it!

off i trekked to catch my bus and get that job at the aquarium!

as i walked though i noticed a patch of pretty flowers though.

for that moment i decided to just take a second and enjoy the flowers. though the majority of the gardens stuff was closed it turns one of it's best things was still open. i just hadn't realized it when i first got here...

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