
small birds - big birds

T-Minus: 36 days...

Location: royal albatross centre

Objective: job

well today being the new day that it is time to seize it (i heard that carpeting denim was how the romans seized the day back IN their day... weird guys the romans must have been).

if i could get a job at the albatross centre then i'll be set. i'd have a home and job all in the same area, AND be practically finished with the government criteria... all in less then 10 days!

so up to the top of the hill i went first thing in the morning to scoop out the joint. the plan was to see what it was about, and then apply for the job.

wow what a nice setup they've got in there! a big giant maori carving greets guests at the door... wonder if it is supposed to be like the giant globe at the tyrrell? still it is super cool! kinda like the totem poles in BC...

further inside there is whole gallery on critters of dunedin... ubber sweet!

included in the displays is a force field squid... which would make a nice treat i've decided... if only i could find a way to penetrate it's dense see through spherical bubble of defense...

next was a display on the penguins of otago. the rarest of these is the yellow eyed penguin. a very pretty bird, but i'd say it's name is very limited... more like a yellow eyed tuxedo bodied duck footed penguin...

wow i REALLY wanted to work here after the next penguin i saw. that is sorta saw!!! something in this building gave me superpowers! i had x-ray vision and could see INSIDE the penguin!!!

quick side note though you'd think it the most unlikely thing imaginable me and this guy are very related... you can see it even just in our arms... though drastically different in size and shape... the same bones are there... creepy eh

well after checking out the galleries it was time to take in the main attraction: the albatross tour!

so up to the VERY top of my neighborhood went our tour group. to a special viewing building to see the centres main attraction...

the royal albatross...

now at first from our viewing position... which was kinda far away, but for good reason to not bug the alby's... they just looked like big sea gulls at first, and man there is a LOT of sea gulls in my neighborhood...

looking through some bioocculars though and i realized just how HUGE an albatross is!!!

now this was a cool time of year to see these guys cause their in the middle of taking care of their eggs!

holy smokes though... when they get flying do you really get just how BIG they are... so big they need the wind to help them fly!

well after seeing these guys in life i was TOTALLY in for working at the centre!

at first it looked promising. going over my resume they were impressed by my tyrrell experience. they said they'd never thought of having a dinosaur work at the centre, but it might be an interesting addition to the staff. all they had to do was get me cleared through the department of conservation as the centre was run by them...

and here's where all my work of the last few days came crashing down...

the D.O.C. wasn't opposed to my working at the centre initially. what they were opposed to was my new stated address on my application form... turns out that my choice of nature preserve wasn't as cool with them as i thought it'd be...

you see no where in the description of a tyrannosaur is the scientifically stated need for an oceanic/shoreline habitat... meaning i was an intruding species on pilot's beach... in other words i was nearly breaking a few of my directives!!!

now long story short i was able to get out of trouble... well okay minus a long lecture about the terms of my bio restriction directives, and the preservation of new zealand's environment...

i however now have NO home again, and as i'll have to find one in town, and am without transport i'll be unable to work at the centre... it's just too far out...

so back to the drawing board people of the innerweb...

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