
best backyard EVER!

T-Minus: 37 days...

location: taiaroa head

objective: job

well now that i've got myself settled into my new home at pilots beach i thought i'd check out the surrounding area... since it is my stomping grounds and all.

i'd also like to see if i can find a job in the area. cause otherwise it's a LONG walk to get into town for work...

up on top of the hill is a museum looking place about albatrosses... not sure what that is... i'll have to check tomorrow as the centre is closed at moment...

now where i'm living at pilots beach is in a nice protected bay, but on the other side of the hill (on the top is the centre) is taiaroa head which is facing the big open ocean...

WOW is all i have to say!

i do LOVE the ocean, and this is it in its wettest, crashingest, wavest form...

you get a real impression of just how powerful the ocean is here... i don't even think godzilla could bet this stuff... why does he live in it i wonder?

after a nice hour or so enjoying my new backyard the sun started to set... good first day in my new home though...
tomorrow time to get to finding a job seriously, and reporting my new place of residence to the government!
things are looking up people of the web-wide world!

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