
school of hard rocks...

T-Minus: 33 days...
Location: University of Otago
Objective: Home

okay things are looking very dire again here people of the web wide world. not only did my last attempt to find a home and job fail, but i wasted a LOT of time with that attempt

now i spent some time brain storming... which with a brain the size of mine is kinda hard too do... but i think i've come up with the perfect plan. it won't get me both a home and job like the last plan, but it will at least score me a place to stay... hopefully...

first i was going to have to find the university. which once back in dunedin hopefully wasn't going to be too hard.

the trip back in from the peninsula though. MAN! i sure am glad i didn't take that job at the albatross observatory. i'd have to leave for work from town the night before just to walk all the way back out here!

well finally i got back into town... way later then i'd hoped! it was already early evening, and i was just dropped off at random. i still needed to find my way to the university.

fortunately i found a key landmark that runs throughout town. the leith it's called, but i could a swore fake rivers like this one were called aquaducks! which now that i think about it is just as confusing... man humans are weird sometimes...

anyways if you follow the aqua L it runs from one end of town to the harbour (you can even see it on the map of dunedin... don't believe me check it out!). along the way though it runs through the university... which meant all i had to do was walk along the aqua L and i'd find my destination.

what do you know it worked! just took me a little while longer then i'd hoped... everything around the university is closed by now...

which is no good... i really need to get some information from them as so as possible cause the clock is ticking

i guess it's okay in a way... the long journey back in from the peninsula has kinda tuckered me out. now i've noticed that your not supposed to sleep around the university (now i've never been to skool of any kind so i'm not sure... but is it normal to have to warn students with actual signs NOT to sleep at skool???) but i'm really feeling the need to crash. especially since that way first thing tomorrow i can get down to business and get that information that i need...

fortunately i'm noticing a nice rocky spot by the aqua L hidden UNDERNEATH a building...

i'll be spending the night there, but please don't tell campus security people of the web wide world!

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