
campus tour

T-Minus: 32 days...

Location: University of Otago
Objective: Home

man what a good night sleep that was... forgot how nice it is to sleep in the great out of doors... a nice early start to the day too... nothing like waking up to the sounds of sea gulls squaking in the morning... yeah i they bug me too!!!

okay so first thing here this morning was finding my way around the university, and finding the information centre. already it's a very pretty place. the leith aquaduck runs right through the middle which gives it a very nice civilized feel.

wow and magicy! the main hall looks like hogwarts castle... sure hope they don't have any dragons around here! the scales on my lower jaw are still kinda tender from the last time i met up with a dragon!

i'm just going to avoid that whole section for now. hopefully the information centre is somewhere else as it is still a huge campus, and that clock tower area is just looking a little too magicy for me...

wow it sure is big too! the commerce building was massive... still no info here though. i'm liking this end of the campus better then the clocktower... not as magicy... more vancouvery

after a couple hours wandering around i came across a building that might be what the doctor ordered. the info link... sure hope they can hook me up with my needed information... otherwise i could be in trouble shortly...

pretty sweet building. has a bunch of useful offices and services... including a library! i'll have to email mike about it, and keep it in mind for future reference (get it... i made a pun... you know about referencing a reference... and people say i'm dumb!).
it also has the university inquires desk. just the sort of desk i'm in need of...
so i'm off to get my information here people of the innerweb. catch you in a little bit...

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