
skating lessons...

so the dinosaur winter games were finally into full swing (they seem to be taking forever!).

we were on a day off from the events, but yet i was still at a rink... for a practise. which i wasn't too keen on. i'd kind of been hoping to hang out with lillian for the day.

the thing was team canada had not been doing so hot in the games so far. people had expected us to be doing rather well, as in the human version of the games canada is about as good as they come...

however the climate here in north america has changed an awful lot in the past 65 million years! we canadian dinosaurs would have had to put up with a temperate climate as worst, but it was way warmer back than globally, and canada wasn't quite as close to the arctic circle!!!

meaning we just aren't adapted for winter... where our australian rivals are somewhat evolved for it!

the thing is for the next event, canada has a lot more at stake. not only is it canada's favourite sport, but my special talent agent peter bond has been building out team up. both publicly and among the saurian teams. meaning team canada's reputation is now on the line, and if we mess up we'll look really stupid (not too mention i would probably never see my money again).

as if that all wasn't enough, but much to our surprise, and peter's horror, we discovered i can't skate. sure i can stand up (perfectly) on skates, but i can't move to save my life! for the next event though, skating is very much a requirement!!!

as it is ice hockey...

which i had been really excited about, till i found out i couldn't do the most important part of the sport. i'd hoped to be our goalie, and just stand in one spot. however apparently we were using "dinosaur" sized nets, so i'd be way to small to cover it effectively.

so i was going to have to do some hockey training... which meant i was here at a public skating time to try and join the humans skating around the rink. at moment i was just standing in the way...

despite dreading my lack of momentum in the game, i was really primed about my new threads! peter had bought me a really awesome team canada hockey jersey just for the hockey matches. he couldn't find anyone to make giant sized ones for lillian or norman, but told me it didn't matter. he was trying to make me the star...

which sounded great on paper, but man i wasn't too confident i'd be able to get off the rink now, that alone cruise along with a puck in a game... i fell over just posing with my new jersey!

well in typical bond fashion, my agent showed up incredibly chipper and enthusiastic. the only thing is that it turns out peter's not the greatest skater either...

not that i mean him any disrespect or an insult. he CAN skate which is a whole lot better than me!

after two hours the best i could do was control fall into peter... which i figured was a kind of useless skill for a hockey match, as peter wasn't going to be there to catch or pad me...

peter trying to put an up beat spin on this (like he does for everything else) and assured me i'd gotten all the mistakes out of my system. tomorrow at game time i'd be ready to rock the house. after all i was a canadian dinosaur, and "to be canadian is to be hockey, and to be hockey is to be canadian." whatever that meant.

i don't know people of the webwide world... i think team canada's debut in dinosaur hockey is going to be a slight disaster... all because of me... oh man!

to be continued...


  1. Dino ice hockey sounds very exciting but I, too, worry for Team Canada. I expect it would take much more practice than that to play hockey!

  2. So cute... wish I had been there!¡

  3. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Holy Cretaceous! I wish you luck, my friend. This is the first time I had ever pictured a tyrannosaur on skates.....actually, this is first time I had ever pictured a Dinosaur on skates either! lol! Anywho, good luck and Break a Leg!! ;)

  4. Break a leg? I hope Traum doesn't intepret that literally!
