
there is such a thing as too much flag!

i'd been getting to know a lot of people here at the Oh-lympics! all of us were bonding over our stylish red Oh-lympic mittens!

speaking of bonding, my special talent agent peter bond finally came back from whatever it is he is currently organizing... he thinks these Oh-lympics are just the thing to make me and lillian really famous. i'm not sure, but for lillian i'll try anything...

man, i really should rethink that policy though...

because peter had yet another scheme up his sleeve tonight...

noticing how my mittens were making me the hit of the party, he wanted to try and increase my crowd appeal.

why we couldn't just see how the mittens would do on their own a bit longer was beyond me. it wasn't like they were a flop.

next thing i know peter comes at me with a whole bunch of canada flags...

and tells me to hold still while he puts them all over me!

i did mention there was a whole bunch of them right! so many i HAD to hold some of them, while peter set them up...

one or two i could have handled, but with the number he was putting in i was having real trouble moving. the flag poles were forcing me to stand up real straight.
that and i couldn't really walk fast, or for long without one or more (more often more then one!) of the flags trying to fall out. so i spent most of my time tending to them, putting them back on me in the first place... which wouldn't have been an issue if it let them go...
but they were peter's, and i hate it when people lose my stuff!

before i knew it, peter had me completely covered in maple leafs (and one BC flag too for some reason!). i couldn't see where i was going!

people weren't coming up to me to visit. they were coming to watch the "mobile flag stand"... seriously peter spent more time trying to convince them there was a dinosaur under them all, rather than me being some sort of robot...
which wasn't a half bad description. i felt like dark vadar, more flag then tyrannosaur, straightened and dizzy!
why couldn't we just stick with one big flag? even that one the size of a building i saw the other day wouldn't have been as bad (though i'd need an awful lot of fans to keep that sucker flapping in the wind!)
more Oh-lympics to come!

Also be sure to watch The Tyrannosaur Chronicles later this week for the start of...

Spread the word, and send in your requests for countries/teams to be present, and their Dinosaur competitors!

For more Prehistoric Olympic related fun, check out Walcott's Quarry!


  1. Oh, dear, how are you supposed to answer to fans with flags stuck all over you and even out of your mouth? Maybe Peter wants you to pose as a statue like you did years ago at the Tyrell...
