
a few doubts

well, here i am at the winter Oh-lympics. peter, my talent agent, thinks this will be a great way to get us famous.

though so far i'm not convinced. especially with his first request. putting on a new hoodie.

peter thinks i'm weird for not wanting to put it on, but i don't care.
my old trusty tyrrell uniform has literally been a second skin. i never take it off. it such a big part of what makes me different than my brutish relatives. i will not abandon my human upbringing and risk becoming a prehistoric savage like my still living relatives today...
even if i'm replacing my staff shirt with something else human. this new shirt didn't play any part in my childhood of coming up civilized... how could it possible help anchor me away from my primal instincts?

yet as i walked around vancouver this morning, rebelliously not wearing peter's new sweater, i came across an unexpected feeling.

canada was everywhere in vancouver. which i know sounds weird. as vancouver is in canada, so it really is canada everywhere in it. however this is just a part of canada.

during these Oh-lympic games vancouver was somehow becoming the very essence of canada. something i'd never encountered before...

normally canadians aren't so big on pushing their country on each other or others. something i've picked up growing up here. yet this not always the case with vivus-dinosaurs. for example many of the american dinosaurs i've encountered have an intense love of their country... which i thought was weird, and something i'd never feel in my life.

though as i walked around town seeing all the flags and people in the "team" canada outfits, i started to kind of get into this whole representing canada thing. especially with all the other countries of the world coming here.

i wanted them to know i was from this great place, and that i think it is great enough to display on me...

which is why today i decided to complete get over my paranoia of losing my human like ways. if anything joining in on team canada makes me more like the people around here. you don't exactly see any dinosaurs wandering around the streets in their countries... though come to think of it i don't see any other dinosaurs around here...

more to come... as i explore vancouver during the Oh-lympics!
Also be sure to watch The Tyrannosaur Chronicles later this week for the start of...

Spread the word, and send in your requests for countries/teams to be present, and their Dinosaur competitors!

For more Prehistoric Olympic related fun, check out Walcott's Quarry!


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Glad to see you've decided to join in the fun, man! It really is a great feeling representing your home, isn't it? ;) Have fun on your "True" vacation, Traum!!

  2. That's the spirit, Traum! XD

  3. As for suggestions for the Dinosaur Winter Games, I would go for dinosaurs that have been found in potentially cold climates like Leaellynasaura, Muttaburrasaurus, Minmi, Australovenator, and other Australian dinosaurs and Pachyrhinosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and Troodon* from around the Arctic. I'd also like to see Canadaga, too, which is the largest hesperornithine and lived in cold waters up north! Including modern birds from arctic or subarctic climates like snowy owls, snow geese, ravens, etc. might be a stretch, but it would increase the variety. Maybe they could be commentators or judges?

    *Hint hint...

  4. hey congrats for the blog's new look, I read the later posts in a row! I see you've really found fun since your going back to Canada.

    I may have loved going with my parasaurolophus to the Dinosaur Winter Games but considering I'm Gondwanan perhaps Cryolophosaurus would be more suitable.
