
night of lights (the intruders part 2)

yawn i'm so tired today people of the web wide world... i didn't sleep a wink (uh okay i don't get that saying at all... don't you have to close both eyes to sleep?) last night.

the events that caused them are more then a little confusing to me... not helping my tiny brain was the fact i was half asleep at the time!

of course as you'll remember people of the innerweb the last time i didn't sleep was when i was visited by the ghost lights with voices!

well they came again last night!!!

there i was minding my own REM business at about midnight when suddenly i was awaken by a light shining through the trees...

fortunately my first instinct of hiding proved to be a wise one (in your face! those of you out there who'd accuse me of cowardice!) as once again the light walked right past my home...

now as i'm sure you probably know i'm terrified of ghosts and all other general spooky things... so this was a little more then traumatic... i stayed out of sight as it went by (though it kinda sounded like it walked by now that i think about it... with what sounded like footsteps?)

unlike last time though somehow i worked up the resolve to follow the light this time and try to get a better look... having wasted the opportunity seconds earlier as it went by... hey you try not be scared of a ghost light when it goes by you!!!

making following the ghost light even scarier was the fact that it was heading down a pathway into the heart of the dell i live in... which also happens to be a maze of doom!.. which both ben the gardener AND agent hamilton from the department of conservation have warned me about!!!

still despite the fact my heart felt like it was going to pound itself out of my chest the whole time, and my limbs were numb with terror i followed the light from a safe distance behind...

after a few minutes i started to wonder... if this was a ghost why was it's light a focused beam that swayed side to side every now and then?

my question was answered all too quickly...

the path that the light had taken led right to the dunedin graveyard!

now i have known for a while that the dunedin botanic garden also contained the graveyard, but not in 65 million years had i ever intended on visiting such a scary place... that alone in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!!

oh man... i don't think i've ever put myself through such a terrifying experience ever!

who know what could jump out of the dark at me?!? ghosts? ghouls? vampires? a lawyer???

zoning me back to the current real horror the ghost light came back into view... moments later a new ghost light appeared not far from it...

though i was far away i could have sworn i heard voices... but i couldn't at this distance make out what they were saying...

i started to move in closer for my better look... why i don't know, but i was so overcome with fear it was like i was almost brave or something...

that'll teach me though... first time i ever try and confront a ghost, and of course it (and well it's partner) turns the table on me...

creeping toward them of course i stepped on a twig... this is what i get for being raised by humans... no jungle stalker skills to speak of...

instantly both ghost lights zoom in on me... i let out a little bit of yell of well pure dread...

as i turn to bolt i could have sworn i heard one of the lights say in a confused and baffled voice "a tyrannosaurus rex?!?"

i may very well have imagined that, cause i don't remember running... all i do know is sometime later i finally came to out of my panic to realize i was hiding under one of the benches on bench hill in the garden...

as i sat going over the frightening series of events in my head through the dark hours of the night i started to calm down... helping this was the realization that after at least an hour after running away i hadn't been followed...

also of help came the realization at sun rise that i'd done the impossible... i'd gone further into the maze, and survived to tell the tale... based on what agent hamilton and especially ben had told me this had never happened before!

so i didn't forget what i'd seen i jotted down this map. the dark green represents the dell and the maze. the trails i have in there at the ones i can see from my home at the entrance to the dell. the medium green is the normal forest of the garden. the dark red is the graveyard.

here i've marked the events of last night... that and my home. so my head marks the spot of my home (if you're ever by the dunedin botanic garden stop in to say hello). the lights passed by there before taking that path you see the light on here. it used that to get to the graveyard of course.

as it was VERY dark at the time, and we t-rexs don't have the best night time vision i'm not sure what else was around this path we took, but i'm pretty sure there were a few sub paths that went off from this one...

based on the fact i made it through in one piece i'm contemplating maybe going back down in the daytime to confirm if there were other paths on this one...

i know that ben and agent hamilton said not too check out the maze, but i made it through this time. and who knows... if i know some hiding places in a maze of doom maybe i can keep away from the ghost lights!

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