
a history quiz... and the big 04

the flood has been going on for so long i've lost track of just how many days i've been stranded here at salmond.

adding to my cut offness from the outside world i've been keeping a low profile to ensure that i don't run into the germ-man again. after our last encounter i've still got a bump on my head from him dropping me off the stairs.

waking up i had a funny feeling today was supposed to be something, but i couldn't quite put my peanut sized brain on it...

for the most part i hadn't seen craig around a whole lot since i'd moved into the botanic garden... well okay apart from celebrating getting my extracontinental status...

i thought we'd patched things up... given i'd smuggled myself into new zealand in his bag, crashed his room, and kinda made a mess of his place...

this morning that idea seemed to come to a crashing halt...

i'd been staying in craig's room again here at salmond, but barely seen him. craig's had a lot of skool stuff going on so he's never around, and even then not willing to do anything fun...

the normal routine had been him getting up early in the morning, and leaving for skool. leaving me undisturbed in the laundry hamper to sleep. this morning was different...

i awoke to craig shaking me out of my slumber...

"traumador," he sounded grumpy. "you're sroaring again."

huh... normally craig can sleep through anything, and doesn't mind my sroaring...

he scowled. "august 16, do you have any idea of what today is?"

i looked at him puzzled. both due to my tiny mind thinking of anything and the fact i was still half asleep.

"they're probably sending out the last expedition of the field season in alberta today," he stated sternly.

why he was keeping me awake to talk about fossil hunting back home was beyond me?

craig paused as though expecting me to say something. i couldn't think of anything to say. we were in new zealand, and though both of us were missing the badlands there wasn't much point talking about it...

"you know, i remember my first end of summer expedition," he continued. oh man it was too early in the morning for me to listen to this! i desperately put my head back on the laundry and closed my eyes.

"traumador! it's rude to not listen when you're being talked to!" i hadn't heard craig use that tone of voice since i was a hatchling... "as i was saying i remember my first end of summer expedition. i made a very significant find that summer. do you know what that was?"

oh man. i just wanted to sleep! why the sudden nostalgia?

craig clearly expected me to guess. "uh, an edmontosaur?" i guessed. odds were good i'd be right. you find a million edmontosaurs to anything else.

"please," he dismissed it. his tone was getting really gruff. "i found sternberg's lost huxley tyrannosaur quarry."

okay that twigged something in my half sleep brain, people of the web wide world, but i wasn't sure what or why?

i knew that craig used to help find old lost quarries... those were fossil digs done in the olden days, but the spots weren't recorded so we don't know where they were found. the exact place is important to scientists... why was an old dig so important to craig this early in the morning? why was it ringing a bell in my head?

wait a second, huxley tyrannosaur...

that's my mom... but they found her well before craig was even born... oh that would explain the lost quarry bit...

wait a wait a second! they found my mom in the 1940's, but no one knew from where... till craig stumbled across the site, and found...


craig who of course having found me, hatched me, and raised me knows my habits and expressions pretty good. he obviously could see that i'd worked it out.

"you really think i'd wake you up just to tell you old prospecting stories?" he suddenly smiled. "happy birthday you dumby!"

from behind his back craig brought out some DVDs.

"sorry i didn't have time to wrap them," he said. "but i knew you'd like them, and i saw on your blog you'd finished off the jurassic parks."

that sneaky craig! he definitely surprised me... which was his intent.

he had woken me up just to make sure that he saw me on my hatching day... wasn't that nice of him.

just like that though had to head off to skool...

what had he given me though?

oh man! NO WAY!!!

the whole BBC walking with and chased by dinosaur series!!!!!!!!!

sweet! well there's something for me to watch and review...

but it was still stupid early in the morning so i decided to sleep some more...

when i woke up i was surprised with another present on my birthday...

the rain had stopped, and more to the point the flood was gone!!!

so life was returning to normal... hopefully i thought looking at the reduced, but still slightly higher then normal leith.

here i stand a 4 year old tyrannosaur... in dino years that's practically a teenager... ready to go out there and make my future awesome!

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