
fool around in april

just when i thought things would be settling in to a sort of normal state the unthinkable has happened!

so there i was walking beside a nuclear reactor when all of a sudden BOOM!!!

the stupid thing exploded! bombarding me with all sorts of rays and radiation. for the first few minutes i felt fine...

suddenly i could feel my body getting bigger and my DNA changing inside me. next thing i knew...

i'd transformed into the giantnormous mutant monster
destroyer of man, consumer of forests, and scourge of society!
my first rampage was through the patch of largest trees in all of DUNEDIN!!!
april fools!
man you'd be kinda stupid (more so then even me!) to have fallen for that one. it's just a funny picture i took using perspective... or no... come to think of it i think craig said prospecting (though not sure what looking for fossils or gold has to do with pictures?)... anyways that tree is like a million times bigger then me in real life.
as much fun as it would be to be that tall and scary i'm still sadly the smallest t-rex you ever did see!

boy oh boy people of the innerweb, it sure is nice to have free time to pull jokes like that. it's even a bigger relief to have completed the criteria set out for me by the government. now that i've survived the countdown of doom with all its nonsense it is nice to be able to just write a NORMAL blog entry for a change...
so what have i been up to now that i'm a legal extracontinental organism of new zealand. well first thing was first. i needed to move into my new home...

that is now here: the dunedin botanic garden!

still can't believe my luck on this one! it may not be a paradise for us none-extinct dinosaurs like the tyrrell, but hey that didn't quite hold up anyway.

if you're into the outdoors, forest, and having a lot of people over then i have the best home ever. it's bigger then even a mansion! ten square kilometers or so i've heard...

this particular view is the living room i've decided. it is very nice, and has a great view. however it has next to no good shelter, and is packed with visitors all the time. i don't want people going through my stuff or wandering into my room.

so yeah this will be staying my living room for now.

so the question became where do i find my room?

well unlike other people's homes mine has signs directing you to all the different places located within. (also shows how much bigger my home is due to it's need for signs... kinda a nice nostalgia factor too. the tyrrell used to have signs all over the place in it...)

i opted to check out the higher ground where less people tended to wander. on the signs were a bunch of "dells" which i'd never checked out (and i was curious about. i've never seen computers grow in the wild...)

as i wandered it looked a little less then promising though. there was a really groomed and stepped hill, but it was even worse for shelter then the living room. it can rain a LOT in dunedin...

that all changed the instant that i hit the entrance to the "rhodoendron" "dell". wow what a cool mysterious jungly entry tunnel into the wild...

i had to check this out.

seeing the jungleness of the place something deep within me stirred with excitement... was this something to do with my tyrannosaur instincts? ever since my quest into BC i've found i like forests... especially when i was on the run after the eco-center incident. i rather enjoyed that night out in the forest...

it somehow felt right. my being here in this spot i mean. like i was supposed to be in such surroundings...

even more interesting was the pathway that started in the middle of the dell. according to local legend the end(s) of this trail are unknown, and it is something of a maze throughout the more deep parts of garden, and that none who has ever ventured in has ever returned... having seen the end anyways.

now at first i wasn't too sure what to make of this story...

heading down the trail just a little though i began to see a bit of the weirdness. with seemingly no reason the path suddenly arched up about the dell and up onto one of the surrounding hills, but ALSO kept going through the heart of the dell...


i'm going to have to look into this maze thing later...

for now i've found what i was looking for... off the path in the forest i found this nice little isolated spot. with nice tree and fern cover, a soft fungus floor, and most important in the middle of the wild. next to no sign of humans in here...

home sweet home!

all i have to do is make it a little more lived in, but i think this will be a perfect base from which to start my new life people of the innerweb...

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