
wrong side of the road

okay so they finally let me out of quarantine today!!!

that's right i'm finally allowed to enter new zealand, and start trying to make a life for myself here...

there's just one thing... i don't know a thing about new zealand... including such things as where i am or more to the point where i can live...
i had been hoping that once i was over here i could just go and live with craig, just like in the good old days... but now thanks to bio-security i've been separated from craig, and i'm not even in the same town as him...

there is some good news though!

thanks to my status now as the ONLY dinosaur on the south island of new zealand the department in or conservation is legally supposed to take care of me... after all if something bad happens to me then there'll be NO more dinosaurs down here!

now that's what i'm talking about! a place that treats a t-rex right!!!

they weren't too happy about it though... i found out about it by accident while asking what sort of cool animals i can see around here... when they were talking about endangered animals they said they had to help these animals from going extinct. that made me think of dinosaurs, and i asked why they hadn't helped us... suddenly they were accusing me of being so clever for threatening them like that, and asked who i had told...

wait you think they thought that i'd thought that they thought that i thought that they thought that i thought... uh wait what was i saying again???

anyways now i'm being driven... that's right i'm not having to drive for once!!! i'm being driven to otago. which if i understand is where craig is right now... though i thought that he is in a place called dune-dine...

the weird part about this ride is that i'm in the same seat i would normally be in if i was driving back home... that's right these weird new zealanders they ride on the WRONG side of the road...

i missed much of the nice scenery since we set out cause i was freaking out... wasn't till 30min into the trip they finally told me that was normal... how was i too know?

oh well that was okay... soon i got my first view of the ocean since arriving... ah man i LOVE the ocean... after all it is what made me think to leave canada behind... i can't wait till i get a chance to go explore it in more detail...

wow there sure is a lot of it! still going on...

i'm being told we're getting closer to otago here people of the innerweb so i'm going to sign off for now... keep you posted once i arrive, and hopefully figure out a bunch of things like what am i going to do for a home, or work, and most important to make something of myself here...

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you're out of quarentine and are out and about in New Zealand!

    First thing is to find a place to live. Once you've done that, give me an email/call and we'll chat. Alright, Traumy baby?

    Cool daddio!t
