
funny story...

hey there people of the web wide world. i know it's been a LONG time since i last posted, but i have a good excuse!!!

well you know how i was looking for a place without dinosaurs, and i found a few when i went to the library last month... well here's what roughly went down... the story must stay rough for, well, let's just say complicated reasons...

i can't say how exactly it happened, but SOMEHOW... though again i have NO idea how... i ended up SOMEHOW got lost in calgary after leaving the library, and ended up getting mixed up in craig's laundry...

for a number of reasons... most of them legal... i really can't for the life of me remember how this happened... fortunately with a brain the size of a peanut that is too be expected. phew or i'd be one dead meat t-rex right now...

now in my defense from all the allegations flying around as of late, craig SHOULD have checked his luggage more diligently!!! whose to say i didn't fall in there several days before he left as opposed to seconds before he grabbed his bags from the cars' trunk at the airport... i certainly couldn't say!

due to his affiliation with the tyrrell museum several countries customs didn't ask as to why he had a tyrannosaurus skeleton in his luggage... all but one, and here's where i got in a lot of trouble...

craig you see was heading to new zealand to try and become a teacher, and well new zealand it turns out is very picky as to what kinds of critters they do and more important DON'T let into their country...

they have a thing called bio-security that screens all incoming goods and luggage for intruding organisms... including dinosaurs it would appear... well sort of anyway.

they'd never seen a dinosaur before, but they recognized me as an undeclared predatory animal of some kind. man i don't think i've ever seen craig so surprised or mad at the same time before as when they opened his bag to find me, and i've done some stupid things before! now again i have NO idea how i got there. i certainly didn't sneak into his car the night before he left so i could catch a free ride to new zealand where there just happen to be no other dinosaurs... and they couldn't prove it.

craig was really mad at me... oops... but fortunately they let him off with just a stern yelling at...

he got off easy if you ask me, but when you hear his side of it you'd think i actually got him arrested as opposed to just threatened with it...

boy, at least he didn't have to spend the last MONTH in quarantine!!!

yeah since i was listed as a dependent of craig's, and he couldn't afford to fly me back to canada i was a landed pest... however since i could speak for myself they couldn't get rid of me the "usual" way... whatever that is. won't it be the same as flying me home?... new zealand customs deemed i could remain in the country...

so long as i wasn't a threat to their native environment... as of such i was locked up in a special building kinda like in a movie to make sure i didn't have a cold or something...

now i'm about to be released, and i can see about making a place for myself here in this new zealand...


  1. Tell us Traumador, are you the one who broke Craig's goggles? It's highly suspicious that they should happen to break while in your proximity.

  2. oh that's what i was chewing on!

    i thought it was a jaw breaker... what with it's glasslike content and all

  3. Hope you have fun in NZ!
