
what now?!?!? (65 million BC part 5)

65 million BC

last night was so miserable! one of the worst nights i've ever had. making it worse i was hanging with my own kind...

after my fight with Larry things were pretty awkward. all these other dinosaurs are used to Larry being the undisputed boss, and a beloved public icon. my coming in and confronting him made these guys all uncomfortable around me...

that and i don't speak their language...

so at least here this morning peter showed up, and set out to try and salvage the situation...

well again peter's the bestest agent ever! however it seems there are limits even to his talents...

he tried to negotiate both with the owners of the dinosaur show and Larry to see if there could be a spot for me in the displays...

after an hour or so he pulled me aside and levelled with me

"look traumador baby, here's the thing. they have a position for you, and their even willing to pay you at a tyrannosaurs pay scale..." he started, but then he glanced around to make sure no one was listening in. peter started whispering "but frankly you don't want it... the key word in that sentence is scale. they'd pay you a salary 1/20 of Larry's. honestly traumador you couldn't afford to even survive in this area of vancouver on that much..."

peter said it was looking kinda bleak. i was naturally a little bummed. peter tried to remotivate me by reminding me of the venture pact. "seriously traumador... there are better places out there for you then here."


he had no answer for me... peter said i'd have to figure that out for myself. he'd help me anyway he could, but in the end he said this was something i'd have to find for myself...

so that is the end of it people of the innerweb. my quest to find my kind in the BCs is officially over...

what did i get out of the trip... discovered that the BCs are not my homeland... i still don't have roots... i still don't fit in with other dinosaurs... i still haven't found what i'm looking for...

where do i go from here. i don't know. all i do know is that i must leave this 65th million street of BC. it just reminds me of my failure in my quest...

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