
what happened? (lillian part 3)

hey there people of the innerweb...

i don't know quite what happened... but everything is no good!

well here's how i best recall it.

there i was finishing my lunch...

when i noticed lillian had returned from her lunch, and was back in her corner of the gallery.

so i was all like "hey here's my chance", and i marched right on over to talk to her.

i started to tell her how i felt about her. i thought it was going really well... she didn't ask me to stop or anything...

then i happened to ask about the rumours of her leaving, and suddenly SWABAMOO!!!... she got really angry and was like "what do you mean?!? me the star attraction leave? how dare you imply i'm expendable pathetic spec!!!"... next thing i know she is trying to KILL ME!?!

i got out of there as fast as i could!

now i'm hiding in the library with the magic box waiting to see what happens next...


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Poor Traum!

    I would have assumed that Warren would have told Lillian by now to give her some time to adjust to the idea so she doesn't put up so much of a fight when the time comes.

  2. Oh Dude!!!! I am so sorry! How could she reject you? You with your puny little arms and your creepy stare? I know a lot of little hotties that would go for a dinosaur like you!
    Hang in there buddy!
