
sanctuary (lillian part 4)

oh man...

i've been lying low in the cretaceous garden for like a day... hoping lillian can't find me... you can hear her stalking the museum (especially at night) from in here...

fortunetly i blend in very as you can see....

i think everyone is getting worried about me though... they've called my name over the PA a bunch of times... i just don't want to risk leaving here and getting eaten is all!!!

in all of this fisaco i can't help but think i'm forgetting something else that was supposed to happen yesterday... hmmmm what was it?

1 comment:

  1. Traumador, I heard some top secret information that Lillian probably won't be leaving until after Christmas. You have time to patch things up! Maybe offer her the plump rump roast part of the next ceratopsian you eat. Good Luck!
