

HOLY CERATOPSIANS people of the web wide world! some big news has just went down in my life!!!

they ARE making a new jurassic park movie... and as if that wasn't big enough...

i'm going to be in it!!!

yeah i know, that is way too awesome! not only that, but lillian has landed a role too!!!

how you might ask? well it goes like this.

two minutes ago i was talking to my special talent agent peter bond, and we were talking about some stuff to do with these dinosaur winter OH-lympics he has just organized.

anyways peter looks at his watch and gets all panicked suddenly. "oh no!" were his exact words i believe.

"what's the matter?" i asked totally confused by his sudden lose of calm.

"it's almost noon," he said as though that was supposed to mean something beyond the fact his watch showed it to be 11:57 am.

"so?" i asked hoping for more of an explanation. rather then immediately answer peter got this really big grin on his face, and paused for a moment.

"well, traum my main man," peter then proceeded to explain, still with the biggest grin on his face. i figured he was really happy (now i know why!). "i can finally tell you about a huge deal i've just made on your behalf. what with it being april the first, and nearly noon."

at first that didn't make any sense to me, but then he elaborated. for the last couple of months peter has been speaking to none other than the stephen spielberg about possible movie roles for me and lillian...

it turns out that the big S really wants to get rolling on a new jurassic park trilogy (that won't end as bad as the last one i hope!). as it is a new trilogy, he wants a new direction for the franchise. meaning spielberg is wanting to start from scratch with everything. peter assures me everything...

including the cast. which means that for the role of the main tyrannosaurus rex my (JERK! of a) cousin larry is gone! a huge upset, as larry became an international movie star in that role. the kicker is though, spielberg wants me to replace him!!!

i was doubtful for a moment that this would be the case. i'm way way too short to play a movie t-rex. peter assures me that through improvements in special effects they can make me bigger. heck it worked at making people into hobbits, why not me into a huge t-rex?

peter said they also intend on expanding the dinosaurian cast to include many animals never before seen on the big screen. included in these are albertosaurs, and so lillian is in (which i'm happy about as it is just what lillian has always wanted... but a tiny part of me is disappointed, as did we really need another theropod in jurassic park?)...

so there you have it people of the innerweb... everything looks like it is going to work out just fine for me and lillian!

UPDATE: i'm really perplexed (and mad) by what happened right after i put up that post above.

as soon as peter told me the good news at 11:59 i rushed off to my com-puter and typed up my excitement (which you just read). suddenly peter started laughing.

when i'd posted my reaction peter than said it'd been a joke. there isn't a jurassic part 4, and peter has never once spoken to stephen speilberg...

peter's only justification for getting my hopes up (and crushing them) was just two words. neither of them being sorry!?! i'm not too happy with him at moment.

what is an april's fool, and why did he keep calling me one?


  1. I saw that coming, Traum...

    And Ian's explanation is pretty sound.

  2. Can you just eat Peter?

    It's to your credit and internet fame I half-believed it.

  3. Glendon Mellow - I for one doubt it, I don't think he'd want to eat his special talents agent, even if the special talents agent just played a prank on him. (As if he hasn't in the past: http://traumador.blogspot.com/2010/02/blazing-start-oh-limpics-part-1.html)

  4. I never learn. I did finally realize while reading that that it was a joke, but at first I thought, "Jurassic Park IV?! NO WAY!" Not to mention, that was a pretty transparent April fool's joke, so I really should be ashamed. I'm SO gullible! WHY?!

  5. Ha ha...um. Please don't eat me, Traum baby! I'm your agent! You need me! We're gonna be rich, my man, stick with me! Just...have a burger now...

    April Fool's! Heh, heh...


    Don't eat Peter ... yet! he's funny!

    psst! Traum I got something "for cheap" like in the old times! you got to hear that!

  7. I saw jurassic park 4 in the title and my heart started racing for a few short moments there .... :(

