
fossil of the weekend! #47

a cast skeleton of the ever classic tyrannosaur dinner, triceratops at the royal tyrrell museum. so yummy in fact, you'll notice my mommy lurking behind him waiting for super time...


  1. Well my bony friend it seems you have quite the blog going! I of course am no match for your blogging skills but since this seems to tickle my insides I thought it would be king of you to comment on my small one paragraph block at www.tellmewords.blognet.com???? you will understand more when you get there

  2. Anonymous5:05 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Triceratops horridus has to be my favorite of the ceratopsians.

    Kelsie- May I ask WHY you have quoted me? That is what I said verbatum, and I feel that this is an illegal copyright infringement, and I must ask you to delete it.

    I said that for that particular post ONLY. Surely you must have YOUR OWN thoughts about the blog, and shouldn't have to resort to thievery. Please delete it or I will have to report you, and I really would hate to do so, but you have plaigarized and it is my own responsibility to report you.

    Hey zeptank,

    I'll gladly look over it for you. ;) I'm a blogger as well. And, I have learned from the best (mainly Traumador. ;P)

  4. raptor- i have deleted Kelsie's quote mining of your comment. i noticed it sounded familiar, but couldn't remember who had said that where and when.

    i'd like to state something clever here, but the situation is just so odd. i've never encountered someone copying other peoples comments before.

    oh well. hopefully kelsie can come on and explain herself. it may have just been some sort of misunderstanding.

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    wow that pretty much will have to be an archaeologist and to deal with these things

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Thanks, Traum! I appreciate it and I DO sincerely hope it was a misunderstanding. Again, thanks and take care!

  7. Love your site. We'll be looking at it often. Dynosaurs are among the favorite creatures my family likes.

  8. i love dinosaurs and I'd like to say I love your blog. visit mine http://helensblogstuff.blogspot.com/ ;)
