
palaeo challenge results...

well i've just returned from the field (a little later than i'd hoped, but you know how intense discovery can be!).

looking over the challenges, i think it is safe to say that they were challenges. i made them too hard, and for that i applogize. with my brain the size of a peanut i forget that things i know aren't automatically known by others.

though not to worry people of the innerweb. i'll cover the answers of these challenges in my chronicling my fieldwork, as i ran into all these things along the way!

the only challenge where someone was close was challenge 3. for this one professional palaeontologist Dr. Adam Yates was really close considering he knows nothing about alberta's geology. so i'll be contacting him about his prize...

raptor lewis did a great job summarizing lost quarry hunting in his guess for challenge 1, but missed one thing in his list. sadly it was the one correct answer, but he gets a shout out for having paid such close attention to the lost quarry post! because for the most part he only really missed one thing.

anyways thanks for trying, and this is by no means the last time you'll be seeing of these challenges.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Congrats to Adam Yates! I missed one?! What'd I miss? Well....at least I was close. Yeah, you did make 'em hard. The Third one especially. That's okay though. I still want to know what I missed. I had fun, BTW.

  2. Oh Goody, I get a prize! Is it an all expenses trip to Canada? or a sportscar? I'd love a sportscar. You can send me an message at yatesam at gmail dot com.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Thanks for compliment. I tried. :P
