
museum of the week! #1

another of my new photo series. i've accumlated a lot of nice photos of the various museum's i've been too around the world. as i love museums so much, i thought i'd share them with you guys of the innerweb.

so here's the first...

the main gallery of the devil's coulee dinosaur heritage museum. as you can see despite its small size it is a really nice interior. if you're ever in warner, alberta totally stop by.


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Cool Museum. If I am ever in the area, I WILL stop by. Have you been to any Natural History Museums in the United States? We have some really cool museums and have produced some of the best Paleontologists in the World. If you haven't, I recommend them. You can find some of their links on my blog. They're really cool. Check it out sometime!!

  2. definitely I'll visit Alberta some day
