
the big city

Location: Auckland
Baskets Left: 1

okay people of the innerweb. here's where we find out if i messed up big time in picton or not. i've made it to the last stop on ms. rhonwyn's list. if i don't get rid of this flax basket here than i'm going to have to book it back to the south island pronto!

here i am in new zealand's biggest city, auckland...

now its only a smidgen larger than calgary, but for new zealand 1 million people is huge!

here i was, a small dinosaur in this huge place. fortunately i had a very specific spot in it to find. just imagine having to wander the whole city trying to find something!

fun fact. auckland is built on a whole bunch of volcanos. heres the old crater of one right here in the MIDDLE of the city.

sadly i've somehow lost a lot of my pictures of the fun statues around town. here's one though.

no time to worry about it now. i'm on my way to the museum. see you when i get there!

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