
room that is not so common

time is still ticking away on my deadline of doom. all my attempts at fixing the problem have been for not thus far. i'm close to panicking here, to be honest people of the innerweb.

craig has suggested i take today off to regroup and calm myself down. his logic is that if i keep approaching things in this bad head space nothing can come of it. he said i should find something to relax myself.

now sadly i can't make it out to a beach or even a fountain here today as it is raining buckets out there right now. last thing i want to do is head out there and catch a cold with sooooooo much to get done.

fortunately there is a thing called a common room here at salmond hall. i hear it has lots to do!

i'm most excited about the pool table... going to be a ton of fun!

a nice swim is just what i need to relax...

turns out this is the worst pool ever! getting down to the room i was informed by those in there at the pool table is not what it claims to be... now i appreciate the information provided by the rooms occupants, but did they really need to laugh at me too...

fortunately i had a backup... they also have a thing called table tennis down here, and hearing about this i challenged one of the hall members to a match...

i just needed to pop upstairs to get my equipment...

well my opponent owain was quite surprised when i returned, and rightfully so as my victory must have been apparent immediately. he couldn't believe the size of my racket. compared to his measly pathetic one especially.

he suggested i switch to one of the halls... man such desperation. i knew with tactics like that lame i was going to crush him!

he tried again to tell me to switch, and i cut him off. we had a game to play, not a chat to talk out...

with that the match began...

here we were two bitter rivals fixated on furious competition. i could already taste my win considering the pathetic size of owain's racket...

suddenly i made a startling discovery... table tennis is just like a pool table... very poorly named!

it was like a small version of tennis granted, but man you'd think in that case having a non-mini thing in the game would make you a monster...


i couldn't hit the ball right, and when i did it just flew off to the pool table (and though i didn't have to swim to retrieve it at least... i did have to get the ball back anyway)

after losing that match 21-0 i was feeling worse then when i got here.

that and i didn't even get to go for a swim, and the rain had gotten worse since i arrived in the common room!

determined not to waste this relaxation time i took up owain's offer of another match. this time i opted for the small racket he played with...

can you believe it people of the web wide world. not only did i play better, but i won best of three!

more then that. owain said we should hang out again sometime soon!!!

that's the second person to ask me to hang out in a week! my luck is coming around people of the innerweb!

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