
in the shadow of the tower...

well the highlight of today has got to be all the progress i've made towards solving my current countdown of doom...

however following up on the information i acquired here today has required me to once again follow the aquaduck through the campus... right past the scary magicy looking clocktower...

now rather then go ANYWHERE near this place i made my way to the opposite side of the aqua L, and came across a very weird landmark...
now it shouldn't come as any surprise that so close to a place of magic one would find something like this... a plaza covered in C's... i can't figure out why they'd be here or why you'd put them up. point is their really weird, and must serve some sort of equally weird purpose.

i don't have time to properly figure it out right now though sadly... just making note of them so that once i have my countdown problems solved i can come back and figure this out...

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