
celebrity encounter! (information part 3)

well i finally made it too the university! a new problem has popped up though. i got here a little bit late. okay a lot bit late. the guy i'm looking for has been off work for hours...

so i'm going to have to wait till tomorrow to see him. that means i'll be camping out at the university of calgary for the night. it's not a very fun looking place, but then skool was never really my thing...

with lots of time to kill though i figured i'd check the place out for a bit, as i wasn't very tired...

you're never going to guess who i ran into!

coming out of one of the lecture halls was none other then devil dinosaur himself!!!

now he probably would have just kept on going if i hadn't gotten really excited and asked for his autograph... devil dinosaur was one of my heroes growing up... though i have to say he looks a lot smaller in person then in his comic book appearances...

turns out that these days he teaches a class here in calgary that is supposed to help struggling dinosaurs in this post extinction world... i was shocked to learn that even devil dinosaur himself has been hit hard by the dinosaur draught...

ever since jurassic park (and my cousin larry's performance... JERK!) the entertainment industry has demanded nothing but the largest and most impressive of dinosaur specimens. meaning that even the most mean and kick butt devil was out of steady employment. No one wanted to see a fantastic portrayal of a t-rex, they wanted ubber real...

but devil didn't take that sitting down... oh no... he used his former fame, and his small size and bright red hide to speak out to the less empowered of dinosaurs to help them make something of themselves.

devil said based simply on my size that i must have been experiencing trouble in life... how'd he know? he offered to let me enroll in his class, but i declined. i already had my plan... that and i'm kinda broke after all the travelling around i've been doing lately...

he said it was nice to have met me, but as it was late he needed to be on his way.

well that was a cool distraction. now i just have to kill a bit more time, get some sleep, and then mike will get back here to the library where he can help me find out the key information that i need...


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  2. Excellent_Work! Keep the good work up. Really enjoy reading your stuff.
