
undercover discovery! (aquarium part 2)

64.2 million BC...

i'm not sure what the events of today mean... i'd like to say i'm excited, and that really cool stuff is going to happen... but i'm also keeping my luck of the last 2 months in mind...

so what i do know is that indeed sarah and other employees at the aquarium think i work here. the only reason my uniform is almost exactly the same as theirs. other then my tyrrell logo on my shirt (which i've made sure to cover up with the nice new name tag these guys gave me!)...

i was going to fess up, and tell them that this was all a big mistake... that is till i got to see what the job was...

it may just need a dinosaurs touch!

sarah took me down into a locked down part of the aquarium where there was a tank with a weird looking fish... then i realized i knew what kind of fish this was! it was a coelacanth!!!

coelacanths are a fish from the time of dinosaurs (and way before actually), but unlike us they managed to survive in some areas outside the BCs... however this one was in the BCs... as in this one probably came from where the dinosaurs are still hanging out in the BCs!!!

sarah explained that lobey (the coelacanth) was not doing so good, and was getting sicker and sicker. there was just nothing that the aquarium could do to make her feel at home. as of such they wanted to release her back into the wild, but they had no idea where to do it.

this is where i came in. as an expert on prehistoric critters (i'm not claiming this... that's what they called me) i was to help them try and make sure lobey would find a new home...

well this is an interesting pickle i'm in here people of ciderspace. but that's nothing compared to standing here close to poor lobey. she's actually looking kinda like a pickle...

she's counting on finding a new home, and unlike me she needs someone else to do it for her!... it's nice of the aquarium to try and help... i wonder why the tyrrell didn't do that for me?

also as a fellow prehistoric beast i feel for her. apart from here in the BCs we don't exist in many places out there... well at least we dinos (except in museums) don't, and i know the few non BC coelacanths live FAR away from here...

so i'm going to keep up my aquarium staffer cover for now, and help lobey find a home. then i'll set the record straight... wonder what peter's advice here would be?

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