
umbrellas don't make you fly (fish part 1)

60.12 million BC

so i had asked the accordion player (man who knew playing an instrument was so much like driving?) to let me know where any cool places were, and to let me out of the band (cause not only were we in a accordion, but there was a dude carrying a guitar in there with us, and some lady with earphones singing).

well we pulled up to a nice forested area very much what i expect from middle earth... or i mean vancouver... and the accordion player said i'd very much like this place. before i could ask him what it was though the accordion drove away...

so i walked down a long pathway through the woods. ever on the lookout for dinosaurs or other prehistoric critters cause i am of course getting ever closer to 65 million BC...

well of course knowing my luck... it starts to rain. now don't get me wrong. i love the rain. it's like nature's giant surrond sound fountain... i just don't normally enjoy a fountain by jumping into it. you get wet.

to think after all those umbrellas i've bought i didn't have one handy. guess i should have listened to dan when he insisted i couldn't float off the roof with them...

fortunently i seem to have a bit of luck left... that or i'm just good at running! i came across a cool little building the kept me out of the rain. wasn't sure at first what it was, but it beat being outside...

inside the building though i was blown away! it had museum looking display cases full of model fish. cool! fish are so cool. i wish i could swim like one (and right now i guess i'm wasting a perfectly good oppurtunity to practise outside...). man the accordion player was right i am going to enjoy exploring this spot. a fish museum.

well i've spent enough time drying off here. time to put the toplab away and check this place out. talk to you soon web wide worlders!

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