
not quite what i expected (65 million BC part 3)

65 million BC...

okay now i'm really weirded out by what i'm finding around here. not only is there no jungle rather badlands, but now there is a dinosaur museum too!!!

now i may have the brain the size of a peanut, but even i know that dinosaurs didn't live in museums! well except those outside of the BCs. oh and those in the BCs... wait a minute...

just look at this! is this what you pictured the mighty thunder lizards coming from?!?

it's just like the tyrrell 2: deja vu

i happened upon a hadrosaur which i thought was from my neck of the woods, edmonton. turns out this was no edmontosaurus though... he informed me he was from overseas, from china, and not to call him by that name. rather he is a shantungosaurus apparently (though as far as i can tell there is little difference between the two!)

i told him about my quest to get here, and he said that was "super"... i thought that was a little strong a word (cause hey i'm no superman!)... he told me i'd have to check with the star of the attraction to see if i could join with the dinosaurs...

what is with us dinosaurs? this is turning out to be just like dinotown! since when have we dinosaurs needed to ask permission and be officially accepted to be a dinosaur?!?

i'd used too much time getting here to fight about it though. i was going to do things as they do them here at 65 million BC... though it's not feeling all that different from the tyrrell...

well the problem was figuring out who the star dinosaur was... i checked with the alxasaurus figuring since he had big wolferine type claws he must be a real hit. cause i mean i've seen that movie X-People, wolferine is the closest superhero ever!

it wasn't him though. however that's about all i understood... my chinese isn't too flunent you see. the only reason i know it wasn't him was he used those claws to threaten me away after asking if he was the star... whoever it is even wolferinesaur is scared of them...

with that in mind my next choice had to be the pinacosaurus then... cause lets face it who won't be scared of a tank! this guy is packing heat in the form of the tail club, and covered with armour so he doesn't have to take gump in return! we theropods know better then to mess with one of these guys... grownup anyways (but man as smaller guys their tastey!)

again he wasn't the star! a little confused. though in his case he asked if this was a trick, and if the star had sent me... not sure what that means?

looking around i was starting to get more confused too. ALL these guys were chinese dinosaurs... now i'm not a racist mind you. i like dinosaurs no matter where their from. i was just finding it odd that all the dinosaurs in the BCs where from over there...

where were some north american types that i might know?

well turns out there was a north american dinosaur here. in fact i know him RATHER well... which makes this all the more unfortunte...

i should have realized that the star had to be the king of the dinosaurs. which of course would make it one of my fellow tyrannosaurs. i was hoping to meet some new tyrannosaurs... i got half my wish as it turned out... just not the half i wanted... you see the star dinosaur turns out to be my COUSIN LARRY!!!

now for those of you who have never heard of my cousin larry (which i think is a pretty hard!) he is the famous member of the tyrannosaur family... he had a luck break into hollywood some years ago, and has been making quite the killing (both literally and metaphorically) doing movies and shows as well a t-rex.

he's most famous role was of course as the tyrannosaur in jurassic park.

which brings us to my connection to larry... you see he wasn't the only one who tried out for that part! i was in the running for it too! they choose him over me in the end though due to "his immense size, and authentic terror" compared to my "tinyness"... it's like they say. hollywood only goes for the most perfect of us...

not my fault i'm only two feet tall while larry if 40 feet long! jerk!

anyways ever since then me and him haven't been on such good terms, and well he was the LAST dinosaur i was ready or wanting to meet here at 65 million BC...

i'm not letting him bully me out of my dreams again!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Traumador, baby! This is bad news! You've told me that you and your cousin Larry don't get along... Do you still want to hang around with that loser?

    You're a man of honor in a den of thieves. Unfortunately, this seems to be his goram den, and I don't like the way he look down at you. even if he's bigger then you, you're better then.

    Don't let him push you around. You're getting a name for yourself, and that can make us money! Travel documentaries, gameshow host, weatherman...I don't know. But the sky's the limit, Traumador, just you see!
