
bridge of TERROR

61 4oo oo1 BC

so after wasting a bunch of the afternoon trying to bypass that fence i found out it isn't keeping in dinosaurs. rather keeping people from falling off a REALLY big cliff!

i did just come across a suspension bridge that crosses said cliff which is part of a valley (there is actually a whole other cliff on the other side helping make this valley... fun factiod for today!).

it seems to be pretty popular as you can probably tell from the picture. lots and lots of people going across it. back and forth side to side...

IT LOOKS SCARY!!! i don't trust a bridge that swings around like that. it's almost breaking the laws of gravity by moving but not falling!

however if one is not willing to take risks then they won't get anything... and i like getting stuff! so i closed my eyes and went for it...

oh man it was ununmoving. the bridge swung as i walked. then i looked over the edge. this thing is HIGH up yo!!!

i might have screamed a little (anyone who says a lot is uh lying to you... yeah lying to you!)...

then i noticed the cool view, and well kinda forgot that the bridge was a death trap...

there was a might majestic forest down there, and a real nice waterfall. i am still loving the waterfalls. have to make sure to add them to my list of favirite things beside fountains... cause their just to cool!

well i'm now telling you this trying tale safely on the other side of the bridge. what lies here on this side i'm not sure. i'll let you know shortly...

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