
beginning of a beautiful friendship (agent part 1)

62.4 million BC

so i had to venture to the very edge of west vancouver here tonight... all that seperated me from main vancouver was a bridge...

my task as assigned by my new employer to meet up with a special talent agent. to do so i had to meet him at a bar... though not sure why they call it that... more of a place people goto buy drinks... oh well.

arriving for my appointment i was meet by steve. he told me to take and seat, and i have to admit i was kinda nervous. this guy is going to be in charge of my future success now on...

well turns out steve wasn't actually going to be my agent. rather he was waiting in line to see the prospective agent too... steve teaches english to people. i thought that was a pretty super thing to do... he even offered me some lessons... see what nice guy... though he must not have liked our waitress. he didn't offer her any...

after a few minutes steve got called by the agent for his meeting. so they went and sat at a different table. leaving me all by myself. it was sitting here on my own i started to get REALLY nervous. what if i wasn't talented enough? or what if he has too much agentness? or i'm TOO special?

after what seemed like an eternity, or is that intern? steve walked by and wished me luck. no like not just luck he said i was REALLY going to need luck... which didn't help my panicing...

suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder, and a voice from behind "traumador the tyrannosaur i presume?"

all i have to say is i didn't panic, i didn't freak out, or get extremely scared. i definitely retained my cool... i CERTAINLY didn't scream like a little girl or anything... though if you ask anyone in the bar about it they probably got me mixed up with someone else...

i followed him of to his table where he got me a drink (of water no less... what a classy guy i thought!), and introduced himself.

"i'm special talent agent bond, peter bond." he said
with that we got right into what he does, and what he can do for me.
basically peter's job is to watch over and manage his clients talents... he helps them "hone their skills and crafts"... he "endorses and promotes" them in anyway he can to help them "achieve their maximum potential"... so far sounds like an educator i thought, but then turns out there's more that he does.... lastly he "watches over and manages ALL of the profits..."

i don't quite know what half that stuff meant, but it sounded very important and official. i asked if there was any chance that he was interested in managing my talents...
he took a look over my resume, and thought it showed some "possibilities" or come to think of it did he say "anythings possible...". i can't quite remember...

peter was much more interested when he saw i was going to be getting a "four digit number" working for the ecocenter... not sure what math has to do with MY talents? maths more like my untalent ( to which peter said "your getting better and better as a prospective client")... but who am i to question the biz after all he's the expert

so peter asked me some legaly type questions to finalize the deal. it was just like a movie he asked to see my creditals. though i can see the similiarity, i didn't know that creditals meant my credit cards and bank account information. peter said he needed it to make sure that not only could he get his fees, but so he could manage my "assets".

he gave me a contract that said he'd be my agent for the rest of my life... not sure i like that wording, but peter insisted that it was "pretty standard" wording... the bonus being that for the small price of something called "power of attorney" (not sure what a superhero lawyer has to do with this though?) peter would be my manager even if i left the eco centre... not that i'm planning on that...

well this sounds like it's the perfect situation for me! peter said he'd even help me find 65 million BC if the other dinosaurs were going to be as easy of clients as me.

not sure why steve said i'd need luck...
i'm not going to worry about it right now. i think there's something wrong with this water. it tastes funny, and the more it feels like that time i ate too much rum cake...

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