
happy hans (kimberly part 4)

3740 BC

well need to be on my way. still a lot of BC to get through before i reach 65 million...

however in my effort to get out of kimberly i came across who must be the most bavarian guy in town.

his name is happy hans, and i caught chilling out in front of the bavarian city mining railway centre. the name happy couldn't be anymore appropriate for the guy. though i'd say his middle name better be drunk or it's kinda false advertising...

i mean the guy was so tanked that he was balancing on an old cement strute from the train track...

but he had a nice big mug of ale... and has invited me to share it with him. so i think i'm going to take him up on this, as i may never be back this way again, and wait to leave kimberly till tomorrow. after all one shouldn't drink and drive... OH NO i've been drinking water in the car! oh man i could be in a lot of trouble!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    If you think the ale is good wait til you taste the chocolate...It's very yummy
