
too good to be true... (devil's coulee part 4)

so after putting all the baby burgers to sleep... hadrosaur children are so trusting... the director of the museum came up to me and said what a great job i was doing in supervising and taking care of all the duckbill's... well except for one she couldn't find, uh not that i had anything thing to do with it's disappearance burp...

the director told me though that there was one dinosaur i hadn't met yet, and that he was the main reason i was here... he was a theropod (meating eating dino) child, and was a bit uppity.
now fortuently through my experience at badlands science camp i'd dealt with a few badly behaved human children... i couldn't see a little theropod being any worse... i should have known better

it was one of my baby brothers! now don't get me wrong i love my mother, but why she had to have another clutch of eggs after mine is beyond me... 6 childern wasn't enough... NOOOOOO she had to have a bigger family to insure some of her offsprings survivial... despite the fact we no longer live in the pre-stone age!

now me and my sibblings don't get along so well... i think our having to compete for mom's affection and food as infants had something to do with it... but alas this little guy wasn't going to listen to me

after arguing with him for an hour about nap time i wasn't making any progress other then waking up all the duckbills...

finally we both tried to out whine the other to the director... she got really mad at both of us really quick... she then yelled at him to take his nap, and demanded i come to her office...

so she wasn't very impressed with the way that i behaved the same as my brother. even worse she figured out that i'd eaten one of the hadrosaur hatchlings... ooops i gotta learn to throw the bones out after i eat....

due to these two factor she had no choice (or so she claims anyway... i still think she had other choices) but to fire me...

man this has so not been my month!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I'm sorry Traumador. It seems you are not cut out for babysitting...You should try something more in your line of work...
    Anyway, don't give up hope!
