well my journey is underway!
i just started driving from drumheller last night down a whole bunch of random roads to see where i'd end up... well that and i have no idea where i'm going or where anything is...
i seem to have made my way down into southeastern alberta on the so called fourth highway... that's kinda a lie though, it's the fifth one i've been on! someone with the road company needs to get their facts straight!
theres been a whole bunch of towns along the way though. i stopped in them all seeing if any of them need dinosaurs, and their all like "why would we need one? go check in milk river".
so taking that advice i proceeded towards this milky river of which they spoke. man what a nice town... though it all seems to be grain elevators and hoodoos... there is no sign of this river made of milk though... again with the false advertising that this area seems to be all over...
i really love the hoodoos though... their a lot of fun! and all over the place in this town... these milky riverians are a clever people. they've figured out how to grow hoodoos using cement based fertilizer... drumheller is running out of hoodoos! they should get in touch with these people, and grew some more of their own !
then i found the vistor's center. i was going to see if there was anyway i could become a non visitor, as i'd heard it needed dinos. instead i found another tyrannosaur roaming the premises!!!
i couldn't believe it! i'd come all this way to see if they needed a dinosaur. not only did they need a dinosaur, they didn't need a t-rex either... of all the nerve!
i demanded to know this rather hulking giant his name. he asked mine... now as he bared his teeth (which are almost the size of my head) i felt i should answer first... though i clearly asked first. after telling him my name he said he thought it might be me. he'd heard of me through the grape veins...
he refused to tell me his name. instead asked if i was here looking for work. to which i said yeah. he just started laughing and then finally said in between chackling "they don't have enough of a budget for anymore tyrannosaurs. you know how much i can get paid compared to you."
i said we could do a split system, where i could work when he took time off. he said no! "why would anyone want to see a shrimp like you? might as well hire a Ornitholestes, their not on our pay scale"...
so alas i must move on... clearly they have enough tyrannosaur in milky river for a whole city... JERK! i never did find out his name either...
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